Season 9

The Future is Bright with Laura Rauba

What if we aren't climbing career ladders but playing career hopscotch instead? Listen in as host Meg McKeen is joined in conversation with Laura Rauba - a conversation sparked by this very question. Laura shares more about the sense of curiosity that led to her latest career move and how timing - and knowing yourself - really is everything when we're deciding which part of our life will be our priority - and how that priority can change.

Bonus | Live in Phoenix with Elissa Kelly

Listen to a recording of Bound & Determined℠ Live in Phoenix, where podcast host Meg McKeen was joined in conversation by Elissa Kelly. Recorded in front of a live audience, Elissa shares more about her definition of success - and how it's changed over time - and the choice she made to shift her perspective from employee to business owner. 

Bonus | Live in Columbus with Ash Fitzsimmons

Listen to a recording of Bound & Determined℠ Live in Columbus, where podcast host Meg McKeen was joined in conversation by Ash Fitzsimmons. Recorded in front of a live audience, Ash shares more about her journey to motherhood and the challenge it can be to ask for help. We talk about fear and change - and the importance of honoring where we are in each moment. 

Bonus | Live in Cincinnati with Colleen Heister- Miles

Listen to a recording of Bound & Determined℠ Live in Cincinnati, where podcast host Meg McKeen was joined in conversation by Colleen Heister-Miles. Recorded in front of a live audience, we share about imposter syndrome, loneliness - even when in community - a scarcity mindset and the chance we have to honor the past while we create a different future.

9.08 | What's Best for You with Adrienne Fazi

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Adrienne Fazi to the podcast to share more about her experience as an advocate for breastfeeding - and for women as they advocate for what's right for them. A subject Meg admittedly knows little about, listen as we talk through the option that is deeply personal for women, and can come with challenges in the workplace. Free from shame or judgment, Adrienne shares her recommendations for employers supporting breastfeeding women. This isn't a conversation for those who are breastfeeding - it's for the rest of us.

9.07 | Tales From the Front with Amanda Dorsett

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Amanda Dorsett to the podcast. Amanda shares all sorts of lessons learned following her search for her latest role in the insurance industry during this past year. Together we chat about ghosting, ageism, and the risk (and reward) of sharing vulnerably on social media. We highlight the importance of culture in our decision to join, and stay, with an organization. Amanda weaves practical advice for women on the move throughout our conversation, too.

9.06 | Your Puzzle Piece Life with Tye Threats

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Tye Threats to the podcast and together we chat about building a business alone – but not feeling lonely as you do – and the "both/and" we often feel, craving both support and control in different proportions. Tye reminds me of the power of both using your voice and also saying…nothing.  We celebrate the fake entrepreneurs out there – we’re two of ‘em – and warmly welcome the next generation of leaders to the industry. 

9.05 | Mixed Money Messages with Anna Felix

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Anna Felix to the podcast and together we chat about often complicated relationship women have with money. We explore the shift from a scarcity to abundance mindset - and the opening that can create for us in our decision-making and acknowledge the roots of beliefs around money often lie within our families. We talk about the avoidance approach to managing your money - not recommended! - and the peace that comes from knowing you have a plan. 

9.04 | So What, Now What with Audry Torrence

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Audry Torrence to the podcast and together we chat about the busy-ness of life, the joy of missing out, and the knowing - and self-acceptance - that comes from an ADHD diagnosis in adulthood. Audry is a serial entrepreneur in the insurance industry, a heartfelt storyteller with a deep sense of curiosity, and a genuinely fascinating woman.  

9.03 | Love in Any Capacity with Cat Ferris

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Cat Ferris to the podcast - for the second time! Together we chat through the often complicated relationship we have with our body - especially as it changes with age. What also changes? How we see ourselves within the relationships we keep with others, including our physical, intimate relationships. We talk about our beliefs about sexuality, taking ownership of our pleasure, and how even in relationship, we can feel lonely.

9.02 | #AskListenBelieve with Sarah Ennor

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Sarah Ennor to the podcast in today’s conversation. Sarah helps us understand how an ADHD diagnosis as an adult helped her to see her life, work, and self in new and informative ways. We talk about the risks of disclosing a diagnosis, and how, if a leader is actually leading, it may not even be necessary. Sarah tells the best stories - raw and compassionate - and reminds us that whether you are living with an ADHD diagnosis or just curious and want to learn more, inclusion is an individual job.  

9.01 | For All the Right Reasons with Kate Scully Krebsbach

Host Meg McKeen welcomes Kate Scully Krebsbach to open this 9th season of the podcast. Together we chat through Kate's decision to join her family insurance agency - it wasn't an obvious or easy or quick one - and how she's been able to navigate a new career in insurance sales by narrowing her focus to a single type of business and then going deep into her understanding, and her support, of it. Kate is so generous in this conversation, sharing her ideas for growing your own insurance practice - and in doing so, reminds us that there's more than enough to go around.