Leadership Coaching

You are capable. You are ready. You are in the right place. 

It’s one thing to manage a team. You’ve worked for plenty of people managers before, right?

But to inspire and to encourage and to guide? That’s what it means to lead.

And that requires a totally different skill set than the one that got you here.

These skills might be ones that you have but need to hone, or they might be skills you don’t yet have - but know that together, you can absolutely build them.

With the tools you need and an awareness of who you are and how you want to lead, you can do this.

And I am here to help.

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Meg was a great coach. She provided encouraging and realistic feedback in a manner that I was able to process and use in an ongoing manner.
— K.F.

when we work together, you will:

Set - and meet - leadership milestones.

Set - and meet - leadership milestones.

Resolve challenges to your team’s success.

Resolve challenges to your team’s success.

Find accountability - at the moment you need it.

Find accountability - at the moment you need it.

Feel safe for honest dialogue.

Feel safe for honest dialogue.

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The outcome?

Clear alignment between your values, thoughts, and actions, resulting in growth in your confidence - and your impact on your organization.

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how does coaching work?

A series of sessions are scheduled upon receipt of payment at the start of each month - and most employers, in full or in part, subsidize the cost of coaching. Get started here, or schedule our introductory call here.

Want to pick Meg’s brain in a single session? You can schedule that right here.

Meg has created a space that allows me to feel comfortable, encouraged, and heard.
— K.A.